

Prairie Ridge offers seniors a high level quality of care with features that include:

  • Fully wheelchair-accessible
  • Common areas include TV and activity rooms, lounges, dining room, private family dining room and laundry room
  • Outdoor areas include a landscaped courtyard

Prairie Ridge offers a total of 50 Supportive Living suites; 34 private studio suites for single persons, 4 one-bedroom suites for couples and 12 private dementia care rooms. Caring compassionate staff assist residents on a 24-hour, seven days a week basis with the professional support of LPNs.

There are also five Community Support Beds at Prairie Ridge available for short stays for a period of up to two months for clients requiring respite, palliative and convalescence care.


Vacancies Available
Vacancies Last Updated
October 13, 2022

Communicate With Us

328 Broadway South, Raymond, Alberta, Canada
Postal Code
T0K 2S0
Social Info

Acceptance Criteria

Application Procedure

Admissions are coordinated through Alberta Health Services Regional Access Centre, phone 403-388-6380 (Lethbridge).

Priority Rating
Pets Allowed
Smoking Allowed

Suite Information

Damage Deposit Required
Rent Geared to Income (RGI)

Building Amenities

  • Wheel Chair Accessible Suites

Information and Disclaimers

Listing details are subject to change and may not be current. Some details may be described as "Not Specified". Administrators of this website cannot answer questions about the listing details and prices. Please confirm by contacting the site directly. Prices may or may not include service package fees, utilities, meals, hospitality, and other service fees. Please confirm all costs by contacting the site. This website's administrators are never involved in any financial transactions and does not handle payments, guarantee listings, provide escrow services, or offer "protection" or "certifications". The administrator(s) of this site assumes no responsibility for listing errors.


The Good Samaritan Society

Member since 10 years ago
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