Menno Gardens
Menno Gardens is located in Marda Loop, a mature neighborhood with garden areas, patios and trees. This property offers easy access to shopping and the many amenities that Marda Loop has to offer.
This property is subsidized housing, rent is 30% of gross monthly income.
A Community to Call Home
Menno Gardens offers one-bedroom units. Rents are based on the income criteria set by the Alberta Government. Number of units: 28.
This property is a non-smoking location.
Vacancies Available
Vacancy Details
Menno Gardens offers one-bedroom units. Rents are based on the income criteria set by the Alberta Government. Number of units: 28.
Vacancies Last Updated
May 14, 2021
Site Information
Terms of Occupancy
Total # of Units
Communicate With Us
Site Contact Name
Michelle Graefer
2637-25 St SW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Postal Code
T3E 1X7
Acceptance Criteria
Priority Rating
Pets Allowed
Smoking Allowed
Suite Information
Damage Deposit Required
Rent Geared to Income (RGI)
2637-25 St SW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T3E 1X7
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Listing details are subject to change and may not be current. Some details may be described as "Not Specified". Administrators of this website cannot answer questions about the listing details and prices. Please confirm by contacting the site directly. Prices may or may not include service package fees, utilities, meals, hospitality, and other service fees. Please confirm all costs by contacting the site. This website's administrators are never involved in any financial transactions and does not handle payments, guarantee listings, provide escrow services, or offer "protection" or "certifications". The administrator(s) of this site assumes no responsibility for listing errors.