Heritage Homes II
This Self Contained apartment features 24 one bedroom units, along with a laundry facility and a large central lounge area.
Site Information
Communicate With Us
Acceptance Criteria
To qualify for our senior self-contained apartment, you should be a low-income senior, 65 years or older and have the ability to manage independent living. Individuals under the age of 65 may qualify depending on the circumstance.
Application for our senior self-contained buildings can be printed online at stpaulfoundation.ca or visit our head office; MD of St Paul Foundation 4440-50 Avenue St Paul. The office is open for 7:30am to 4:00 pm Monday to Friday. One we have you completed application including a Medical Assessment form completed by your physician, your application will be placed on our wait list and clients chosen based on need.
Suite Information
- 1 Bedroom
Suite Amenities
- Wheelchair Accessible Building
- Parking
- On-Site Laundry
Building Amenities
- Kitchenette
- Wheel Chair Accessible Suites
4525 - 47 Avenue, St. Paul, Alberta, Canada T0A 3A3